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The remote location of Rubha Hunish proved to be a formidable challenge with steel frames, glass, tools and a generator to haul to the site.

The Bothy is a two mile hike from the nearest road so help was enlisted from the Scottish Mountain Rescue team who helped out with a few, very careful, trips to the site.

  The guys stayed in glamping pods near the starting point fo the walk and walked or cycled there and back each day to undertake the work, which took about a week.  Unfortunately Mountain Rescue were unable to help with the return journey so one of the Scottish Windows Solutions’ installers, Kenny – who is from Skye – had to call on some local favours from an old Shinty teammate/fisherman for another quadbike and trailor.

The Lookout Bothy at Rubha Hunish was built in the early 20th Century and used as a watch station for the coastguard.  It ceased functioning in the 1970s and fell into disrepair, being used a s a makeshift shelter until major renovations by the Mountain Bothy Association, including Scottish Windows Associations’ installation of Crittall windows in 2019, brought it up to scratch.

Now, its an iconic spot for hikers and whale watchers needing shelter from the bitter winds off The Minch, the body of water between the Bothy and the Outer Hebrides.

Photography: @theworldwithsarah

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